Wednesday 2 May 2012

Work placement week :)

This week we were all at our work placements in our chosen schools. I was with year 1 & 2's. Within the classroom I was in there was not a lot of technology used. As it was nearing Christmas the teachers and pupils were preparing for their Christmas play.
On a couple of the mornings I did help the children on the computer draw pictures of their families and print them out for a calender. The Children also made Christmas cards on the computer for their parents using paint on the PC's that were in their classroom. There was a white board in the classroom although it had broken. The teacher used a paper easel and a chalk board. Although I do believe that children should be taught how to use today's technology and become familiar with how it works. For the children that I was with I didn't feel that it was highly important for them to be using technology within their classroom as they were learning to read and write and play with the things they choose to. I assume that the further they continue through school the more technology they will come to use.
I did thoroughly enjoy the week I spend on placement even though I did not come across much technology I found the techniques the teacher used to teach the pupils very helpful and rewarding both for the pupils and the teacher. I am looking forward to next years placement already.

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